Onsite PS4 Hard Drive Repair
Is your PS4 hard drive giving you a hard time? System slow and sluggish? Not loading properly, sitting at an endless black screen? Getting error codes like ce-34335-8? PS4 hard drive repair is a common issue.
Read moreIs your PS4 hard drive giving you a hard time? System slow and sluggish? Not loading properly, sitting at an endless black screen? Getting error codes like ce-34335-8? PS4 hard drive repair is a common issue.
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Read moreOverheating Xbox? A dusty, dirty console isn’t just bad for your allergies, it’s bad for your gaming experience too. Dust, dirt, hair, and debris can cause your console to overheat and malfunction. We always go above and beyond by cleaning out every device we service! This Xbox Series X came in very dusty with a […]
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Read moreMicro soldering is when you solder components so small that they can only be seen through a microscope! With our powerful tools and sturdy hands, we can rescue your broken devices.
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